You can export data from Project Tracker using the XML export artifacts menu (left navigation bar), or
by exporting query results.
The "XML export artifacts" menu lets you export a list of artifacts into an XML file (that is displayed in
the browser window or saved in a local file).
The result of a query includes an "export results to" option at the top and bottom of the screen. This
export option enables you to export the results into Excel, OpenOffice, Tab Separated Values or XML (full artifact).
Different formats can export different amounts of data per artifact:
Excel and tab separated values exports contain a snapshot of what the artifact contains at the time of the
export. Customize field selection using the add/remove columns link on the
right of your screen when looking at a query result).
XML exports include all data in the artifact (including all history). This means the XML export contains the
values in the artifact at present as well as additional entries for all values that the artifact held in all
its revisions.