What is the "dump/load cycle" people sometimes talk about when upgrading a Subversion server?

Subversion's repository database schema has changed occasionally during development. Old repositories, created with a pre-1.0 development version of Subversion, may require the following operation when upgrading. If a schema change happens between Subversion releases X and Y, then repository administrators upgrading to Y must do the steps listed.

  1. Shut down svnserve, Apache, and anything else that might be accessing the repository.
  2. Run svnadmin dump /path/to/repositorydumpfile.txt, using version X of svnadmin.
  3. Run mv /path/to/repository /path/to/saved-old-repository.
  4. Upgrade to Subversion Y (i.e., build and install Y, replacing X).
  5. Run svnadmin create /path/to/repository, using version Y of svnadmin.
  6. Run svnadmin load /path/to/repository < dumpfile.txt, again using version Y of svnadmin.
  7. Copy over hook scripts, etc, from the old repository to the new one.
  8. Restart svnserve, Apache, etc.
    See the link for more details on dumping and loading.
    Most upgrades of Subversion do not involve a dump and load. When one is required, the release announcement and the CHANGES file for the new version will carry prominent notices about it. If you don't see such a notice, then there has been no schema change, and no dump/load is necessary.
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