Why should I use Documents and files instead of sharing files using email?

Sharing files using the Documents and Files component within CollabNet Enterprise Edition accomplishes the following:

  1. The files that are marked confidential can be securely transferred to all users without needing to enable complicated email encryption, or the default, transmitting them in the clear.
  2. Documents and files does not depend on email client capacity.
  3. Instead of everyone keeping a copy of the message with all the files in their email AND a separate copy of the files in a directory on their computer, the (small) email message can contain a reference to the original source of the files.
  4. Users can choose which files to download, so they only need to take the time to download those they really need instead of waiting for the mail update process to pause while the server downloads the entire set of files.
  5. Users can view the files from anywhere where they have access to the internet.
  6. Visibility of email message is limited to the addressees and the users CCd on the email. Documents and files serves as the central archive for all users, including those who joined at a later date.