How do I make changes to the hostname/IP address in SourceForge 4.x?

Change the hostname/IP address for an SourceForge 4.x installation in the <SOURCEFORGE_INSTALLER_DIR>/install-saturn.conf file. You will need to stop the servers to make changes and restart the servers for the changes to take effect.

Open the install-saturn.conf file and edit the following tokens:

Change the SFEE server hostname in the SOURCEFORGE_APPSERVER_HOST file. Find the correct hostname in the centOS command line. You can also find it in the /etc/hosts file.
Find the DNS server address for the SFEE 4.x server in the JAMES_DNS_HOST file.
Find the SFEE 4.x server host in the SOURCEFORGE_APPSERVER_HOST file.
The MTA used for delivering email is found in the JAMES_GATEWAY_HOST file. This is useful if the JAMES_MTA_HOST is unable to deliver email directly (if it is behind a firewall and is unable to connect to external mail hosts).
This is a comma-separated list of wildcard matched hostnames that are allowed to relay mail through the SFEE 4.x JAMES_MTA_HOST. If a host is not in the list of accepted relays (except for localhost, mail from the host will be spooled to the var/mail/spam mail folder under <SOURCEFORGE_INSTALL_DIR>/james/james-2.1.2/apps/james/var/mail/ spam file.
This variable is used by the application server to determine where SFEE 4.x server is located. The default value of localhost is generally sufficient. However, you can point to a different MTA if desired; SFEE 4.x does not post process outbound email.
Carries the integrated server hostnames.
Carries the database server name. after the site tokens are changed, you may need to recreate runtime using./ After recreating the runtime and changing the database server you may need to change the IP address used by the PostgreSQL database in the following files: + /var/lib/pgsql/data/pg_hba.conf - Change the IP of the host entry pointing to the SFEE. + server /var/lib/pgsql/data/postgresql.conf - Change the application server's IP for the listen_addresses variable.
Related information
Sample site-options.conf file