How do I set the site target for CEE TopTabs (tab-links at top of page)?

On some stage sites, to fix this issue you must edit the TopTabs.vm file directly to point to the production site URL.

On some stage sites, some of the TopTabs links (tabs at the top of the page, such as Help or support) point to the production site instead of to the stage site. This can cause problems if stage site users find themselves on the production site, thinking they are still working on the stage site.

Here is how to correct this and make the TopTabs consistent:
  1. Check out the 'look' project.
  2. Open www/overrides/templates/TopTabs.vm and edit as detailed in next steps.
  3. Find the lines with the URL's matching the TopTabs on a line that looks something like this
    <$element><a href="">Support</a></$element>
  4. Change the URL to match the stage site, i.e:
    <$element><a href="">Support</a></$element>
  5. Do the same for any other tabs that need correcting (i.e. Help, Community, other).
  6. Check in changes & reload the page. You don't have to restart CEE.