What are the HTML tags that can be used in CEE?

HTML, without XSS scripting tags, can be passed to the browser from specific areas of the application. To prevent cross-site scripting security issues, each HTML submission is passed through a filter that detects scripting tags. Most CollabNet pages use this filter, so that all user-supplied HTML is escaped, except where it is explicitly allowed.

Allowed HTML is limited to the following subset of HTML tags: <!-- --> <A> <ABBR> <ACRONYM> <AREA> <B> <BASE> <BASEFONT> <BIG> <BDO> <BLINK> <BLOCKQUOTE> <BR> <CAPTION> <CENTER> <CITE> <CODE> <COL> <COLGROUP> <DD> <DEL> <DFN> <DIV> <DL> <DT> <EM> <FIELDSET> <FONT> <H1> <H2> <H3> <H4> <H5> <H6> <HR> <I> <IMG> <INS> <KBD> <LI> <LABEL> <LEGEND> <LINK> <MAP> <MENU> <MULTICOL> <NOBR> <NOFRAMES> <NOSCRIPT> <OL> <OPTGROUP> <P> <PARAM> <PRE> <Q> <S> <SAMP> <SMALL> <SPACER> <SPAN> <STRIKE> <STRONG> <STYLE> <SUB> <SUP> <TBODY> <TD> <TFOOT> <TH> <THEAD> <TR> <TT> <TABLE> <U> <UL> <VAR> <WBR>