J2EE Architecture and security CollabNetTeamForge is a J2EE application that employs three-tier architecture to provide a secure environment for mission-critical data.
What is a parent project?
A parent project is the base from which a subproject's members, user groups and roles, with their corresponding permissions, are derived. A subproject can inherit project members, user groups and roles from its parent project.
Can I query the CollabNet TeamForge database?
Yes, you can query the database if you are a site administrator or have been given access to System Tools by another site administrator. You can raise a database query by using the Admin > System Tools > Ad Hoc Database Query page.
How do I look up audit log?
If you have the "System Tools" permission, you can look up the audit log using the URL provided by the CollabNet representative.
What is an integrated application?
An integrated application is a stand-alone application that can seamlessly integrate into any CollabNetTeamForge project.