General questions about using TeamForge
Common questions about using TeamForge.
Are the URLs in CollabNet TeamForge 6.0 same as the URLs in CollabNet Enterprise Edition?
No, the URLs in
6.0 and
Enterprise Edition
are not exactly the same, though post-migration, the
Enterprise Edition
URLs can be made to work in
6.0 with minimum effort.
How is a project template structured?
When you create a template that includes project content, each tool brings in its own kind of structure, depending on the type of content it manages.
Why do you need the authentication and authorization plugin for Hudson?
The Authentication and Authorization plugin allows you to set up your Hudson installation to authenticate against a CollabNet server and specify access control for CollabNet users.
Is it mandatory to fill in all the fields while querying in issue tracker?
No. Required fields are indicated with a red asterisk. It is possible to choose only the required fields to narrow down the query for attaining optimum query results.
What is the difference between a stagger and normal header in query result heading settings?
The normal and the stagger header preference setting allows you to set a standard header for your query view or a staggered header.
How can Silver/Basic support customer file product enhancement requests?
Silver/Basic customers who want file enhancement requests, go to the "Discuss Roadmap" forum to file your requests online.
Parent topic:
Frequently asked questions about managing projects with CollabNet TeamForge