What is a project?
A project is a workspace where people can use the CollabNetTeamForge applications to collaborate and to create, store, and share data. All the work you do with CollabNetTeamForge is organized into projects.
What is a project page?
A CollabNet project page is a place where users can see and add information about the project, such as messages from the project manager, open issues or documents you want people to read.
What is a free-form sub-page?
In CollabNetTeamForge, a free-form sub-page is a page that doesn't show up in the project page hierarchy in the left navigation bar.
What is remote publishing?
Remote publishing is a feature that lets you create your project web site using your own web pages stored in your project's Subversion repository.
How does TeamForge support dynamic planning?
TeamForge helps you maximize your team's effectiveness by keeping you in close touch with the multiple moving targets facing your project.
What is a project page component?
A project page is a collection of simple portlet-like components that enable you to add custom HTML content, reports, project tracker queries, and much more to the project home page so your team quickly access what is important.
What is a linked application?
A linked application is an external application or site that users can get to from inside a CollabNetTeamForge project.
What is a project template?
Project templates enable you to capture and re-use the structure and content of existing projects, including project pages, custom tracker fields, and workflow definitions, to speed new project creation and standardize lifecycle processes.
What is in a project template?
When you create a template from an existing project, each project tool contributes its own structure to the template, and its content if you want it.
What is report generation?
Report generation is used to drive the statistics of the issues stored in the database based on the required parameters.