Installing software inside the TeamForge
Lab Management environment is mostly the same as when
installing locally.
Tip: It is generally considered poor etiquette to install software on a machine not
allocated to you, except with prior permission of the user to whom the machine is allocated.
This is especially true if you are using your project role as root or
Administrator to install software as a superuser.
Installing Software on Red Hat Linux Systems in TeamForge
Lab Management
On TeamForge
Lab Management systems that run Red Hat Linux,
software is usually distributed using the RPM package format. Use standard RPM commands for
the installation, uninstallation, and upgrading of software on Red Hat Linux systems in the
Lab Management environment. If you are not sure how
to use the rpm command, please see the online manual or the HTML
documentation at the RPM website, or refer to the documentation that came with the software
that you are trying to install.
Installing Software on Windows Systems in TeamForge
Lab Management
On TeamForge
Lab Management's Windows systems, software is usually
distributed as a package with an installer. For example, there is often a binary named
setup.exe, which you will run to install the package, but installers
vary widely across software. For installation instructions, consult the documentation for
the software you are installing.
Accessing Software for Installation
Regardless of your operating system, you will need a place to store and retrieve your
packages. TeamForge
Lab Management gives you several choices of places to
put software, each with its own advantages.
- Subversion repository inside of CollabNet
TeamForge (CEE) or CollabNet
TeamForge (TeamForge)
- This is fast and reliable, can be securely shared, but is inefficient for the storage
of large binaries. Files in Subversion are under revision control, so they can never be
truly deleted, and all previous versions are always available.
- TeamForge
Lab Management Project Build Library (PBL)
- This is fast, reliable, can be securely shared, and offers efficient storage of large
binaries. But the PBL is not a version control system, so files may be permanently
deleted, and previous versions of files are unavailable.
- Your TeamForge
Lab Management home directory
- This is also fast and reliable, but your home directory cannot easily be shared with
others - nor is it advised that you do so. Installing software from your home directory
for personal use is fine, but it is not a good solution if you want to share your work.
If you want to share your work, use one of the other solutions presented here.
Allowed Software
Because TeamForge
Lab Management is specifically designed as an
environment for software development and testing, we do not place any procedural
restrictions on the software that you can install. We do, however, have the following basic
restrictions in place to protect ourselves and the users in the environment:
- Software installed in the TeamForge
Lab Management environment must not contain
viruses, "malware," "spyware," "trojan horses," "root
kits," or any other software installed for the express purpose of breaching the
security of TeamForge
Lab Management systems or the privacy of their
- Individuals installing software on machines in TeamForge
Lab Management are responsible for ensuring that
the software installed is properly licensed by their organization.
Failure to abide by these rules may result in the offending system being shut down and the
offending user's access revoked.