Here's what you need when upgrading to Lab Management 2.7.
Upgrade from Lab Management 2.6 to
Back up the Lab Management data.
Before upgrading from Lab Management 2.6 to 2.7,
we need to back up the data. It is assumed that /public/backup is a
mounted backup volume.
Use the following commands to backup Lab Management related data if /u1/cubit/data folder is
not on NetApp volume.
- sudo mkdir /public/backup/mgr.$THEDOMAIN.
- cd /usr/local/cubit-mgr/bin
- sudo ./ -d /public/backup/mgr.$THEDOMAIN -c
Use the following commands to backup Lab Management related data if /u1/cubit/data folder is on
NetApp volume (on production).
- sudo mkdir /public/backup/mgr.$THEDOMAIN.
- cd /usr/local/cubit-mgr/bin
- sudo ./ -d /public/backup/mgr.$THEDOMAIN -c
/var/ops/site.conf --skip-data
Prepare the physical or virtual host that will house the Lab Management manager.
- Virtual Machine Version should be 8.The OS type should be 64-bit-capable - "Centos
6 (64-bit)".
- It should have two NICs, one for standard network traffic,another for the ILO
network Disk Provisioning as thin.
- Use the latest SCSI Controller, LSI Logic SAS.
Install CENTOS 6.5 64-bit on the host.
Once the virtual machine is created, install Centos 6.5 on the machine. For this, you
need two images: floppy and DVDs.
- The floppy image is located at
- The DVD image is located at
/public/os/CentOS-6.5-x86_64-bin-DVD1.iso and
- Connect the floppy image as VM's floppy drive. (Edit Virtual Machine > Floppy > Use
Existing floppy image in datastore > Navigate and select
- Connect the CentOS-6.5-x86_64-bin-DVD1.iso DVD image as VM's "CD/DVD drive". Edit
Virtual Machine > CD ROM > datastore ISO file > Navigate and select
CentOS-6.5-x86_64-bin-DVD1.iso. Both should be connected at
- Use the above images to boot the newly built machine. The system should boot from
- Press the ESC key from the boot menu to get a prompt.
- At the prompt, type linux ks=floppy. This will install CentOS 6.5 OS and necessary
packages. During the kick-start once first DVD is completed we need to connect the 2nd
DVD CentOS-6.5-x86_64-bin-DVD2.iso to complete the installation.
Once installation is complete make sure it boots from local disk. For the root
password, check with DEV Team
Set up the network.
Edit /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 and ensure that
it has correct information.
Edit /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcg-eth1 and ensure that
it has correct information.
Edit /etc/sysconfig/network and ensure that it has correct
Edit /etc/hosts and add an entry for "mgr.$THEDOMAIN", mapped
to the primary IP of the host.
Edit /etc/resolv.conf and ensure that it has correct
Reboot the new manager.
- Fix /etc/fstab.
- Mount the backup volume (see step 1) to /mnt/backup.
- cd /mnt/backup/mgr.$THEDOMAIN/system_info
- cat nfs_entries >> /etc/fstab
Heart Bleed Fix.
The following substeps are to fix the Heart Bleed Bug reported in OpenSSL
SSH into your LM Manager.
Check the current version of openssl.
Update your repos:
Once that is finished, upgrade open SSL.
- yum update openssl
- openssl version -b
Once the upgrade is over, check the version again. It should now read “Apr
7″ or later. You can verify by typing rpm -q openssl and ensure that it’s specifically
openssl-1.0.1e-16.el6_5.7 (or later) being installed.Note: openssl-devel will also get
updated during this process.
Reboot the system.
Copy site.conf (From Backup taken) to /var/ops/ and modify
/var/ops/site.conf file to add new tokens. For example, the
following new tokens are to be set.
#smb_strict_locking = yes
If you are upgrading LM MGR with centos 6.5 . please change the below token
profile_name = centos6.5_base_x86_64
*Make sure that mac_addr is correct you can verify it by Login to Vsphere console -> mgr ->Edit VM -->Network Adapter--> MAC Address
if cubit_monitor_action = page_poc
Add below token and its specifications if not page_poc add this token and comment it out
cubit_admin_notify_timeout = true
#false - do not send notifications if the status is timeout
#true - always send notifications
Windows-8 = xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx--xxxxx-xxxxx
Windows-8.1 = xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx--xxxxx-xxxxx
Windows-2012 = xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx--xxxxx-xxxxx
Windows-2012R2 = xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx--xxxxx-xxxxx
# Replace xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx--xxxxx-xxxxx with appropriate license keys.
# Evaluation Key or a MSDN Key, or a KMS keys can be applied
Updating manager.
Get a copy of the latest Lab Management build (on production this should be from
release folder) either from FRS or PBL.
Download it using wget and copy it to /public/download. For
- wget --no-check-certificate
- cp /public/download
Install Lab Management using the following commands.
- cd /var/ops
- tar xzvf /public/download/
- cd /var/ops/cubit-2.7.0-10683
- ./ -f /var/ops/site.conf
Restore Lab Management-data.
- mv /u1/cubit/data /u1/
- /usr/local/cubit-mgr/installation-support/scripts/
- cd /public/backup/mgr.$THEDOMAIN/system_info
- cat nfs_entries >> /etc/fstab
- cd /public/download
- ./add_users
- cd /var/ops/2.7.0-10683
- ./ -d /public/backup/ mgr.$THEDOMAIN
Mount the Lab Management data folder to /u1/cubit/data.
Install VMware-ovftool on the new manager.
Install OVFTOOL 3.0.1.
- sudo sh
Use the following command to verify the installation.
VMware ovftool 3.0.1 (build-801290)
Install VMware-vSphere-CLI on new manager.
- cd /tmp
- sudo tar xzvf
- cd vmware-vsphere-cli-distrib
- sudo ./ # Choose install location as
Rejoin the manager node into the AD domain.
Delete the manager node from the AD server.
On the AD server, click Start > Administrative Tools > Active Directory Users and
Computers .
Open CubitComputers OU.
Right-click the manager entry and select Delete.
On the MGR node, join the manager to the AD domain (assuming the AD domain is being used for the Lab Management domain).
Ensure that Date, Time, Time-zone between LM Manager should match with Active
$ /usr/bin/sudo kinit Administrator@J.SP.COLLAB.NET <<<---- domain name in all upper cases
Password: (this is your own password for sudo)
Password for Administrator@J.SP.COLLAB.NET: (type domain administrator password here)
$ /usr/bin/sudo net ads join -U Administrator
Administrator's password: (type domain administrator password here)
Using short domain name -- SERVERS
Joined 'MGR' to realm 'J.SP.COLLAB.NET'
$ /usr/bin/sudo net ads testjoin
Join is OK
Restart the samba service on the manager.
Set up WDS.
Th following points are for adding Windows 8, 8.1 and Windows 2012, Windows 2012R2
server images to the WDS server using GUI or WDSUTIL. See Add Windows install and boot images using the GUI and Add Windows install and boot images using WDSUTIL.