Configure ALOM settings for Lab Management

To enter the ALOM settings for Lab Management, set up the network-based console, and create a user with permissions to power on and off the server.

  1. Set up the network-based console.

    Review the following example script to see examples of the values that you would enter, which appear in boldface type:

                            $ telnet
                            Connected to (
                            Escape character is '^]'.
                            Copyright 2006 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
                            Use is subject to license terms.
                            Sun(tm) Advanced Lights Out Manager 1.6.1 (cu110)
                            Please login: admin
                            Please Enter password: ********
                            sc> setupsc
                            Entering Interactive setup mode. To exit and discard changes to that
                            point, use
                            Ctrl-C or to exit and save changes to that point, use Ctrl-Z.
                            Do you wish to configure the enabled interfaces [y]? y
                            Should the SC network interface be enabled [n]? y
                            Should the SC interface connection type be set [telnet]? telnet
                            Should the SC email alerts be enabled [y]? n
                            Do you wish to configure the network interface [y]? y
                            Should the SC use DHCP to obtain its network configuration [n]? n
                            Enter the SC IP address []?
                            Enter the SC IP netmask []?
                            Enter the SC IP gateway address []?
                            Should the TPE link test be enabled [y]? y
                            Do you wish to configure the managed system interface [y]? n
                            Do you wish to configure the network management interfaces [y]? n
                            Do you wish to configure the SC parameters [y]? n
                            Your ALOM configuration profile has been successfully completed. To
                            activate your network configuration, please reset the SC.
                            sc> resetsc
                            Are you sure you want to reset the SC [y/n]? y
                            User Requested SC Shutdown
                            sc> Connection closed by foreign host.
  2. Add a Lab Management user and ensure that the user has the proper permissions to power on and off the server.

    The ALOM user ID and password for Lab Management is defined in the conf/cubit.conf file as alom_user and alom_pwd.

    The examples of the values that you would enter appear in boldface type:
                            sc> useradd cubit
                            sc> userpassword cubit
                            New password: ********
                            Re-enter new password: ********
                            sc> userperm cubit cuar