Features and enhancements

Subversion Edge 3.3.0 adds these new features and enhancements.

Artifact ID Description
artf7194 Apache log rotation has been changed to use the rotatelogs program.
artf7660 In general, tips have been reviewed and updated.
artf7661 Subversion Edge 3.3.0 has a new Getting Started wizard.
artf7669 The server configuration for SSL has been modified to protect against BEAST attacks.
artf7709 Default Subversion Edge run levels have been changed to support NFS storage.
artf7714 Bootstrap has been updated to version 2.3.1.
artf7731 When the folder used to store repositories is owned by root, a message with an example command for changing the owner is displayed.
artf7733 Jetty has been upgraded to version 8.1.9.v20130131. For more information, see https://ctf.open.collab.net/sf/wiki/do/viewPage/projects.svnedge/wiki/Jetty_8_Upgrade.
artf7747 ViewVC has been upgraded to version 1.1.18.
artf7749 Email for LDAP users has been improved.
artf7756 Daemon scripts on Unix have been improved.
artf7758 Subversion Edge 3.3.0 supports Subversion 1.7.9.