Subversion Edge Logging API

Use this API to view and configure logging for the Subversion Edge console and Apache server.

This API is available with Subversion Edge 2.3.0 (and later).
Note: The following examples show request bodies and responses in JSON format, but XML is equally valid.


HTTP method and URL
GET /csvn/api/1/logging?format=json
Authentication / Authorization System administrators (ROLE_ADMIN_SYSTEM) and the super user (ROLE_ADMIN)
Response GET retrieves the log settings in the format accepted in the PUT request body.



HTTP method and URL
PUT /csvn/api/1/logging?format=json


This is the log level for the Subversion Edge console. You can set it to one of the following: DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR.
This is the log level for the Apache server. You can set it to one of the following: DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR.
This specifies the number of days of rotated log files to keep. To keep all log files, specify a value of 0.
Authentication / Authorization System administrators (ROLE_ADMIN_SYSTEM) and the super user (ROLE_ADMIN)