The icons represent the health of a replica server, the state of a replicated repository, or the status of a replication command.
Icon | Description |
There are no errors. The replica server has polled the master within 3 times the Command polling interval. For example, if the polling frequency is 10 seconds, TeamForge has a record of contact within the last 30 seconds. | |
This could mean one of two things:
This could mean one of two things:
Icon | Description |
Replicated repository is in sync with the repository on the master. | |
Replicated repository is being added. | |
Replicated repository is being deleted. | |
Replicated repository is being synchronized using svnsync. |
Icon | Description |
The command is queued in the TeamForge server for the replica. | |
Depending on the replica server queue, the command is being processed or scheduled to be processed. | |
The execution of the command failed in the replica server. You will see a link to the server log that contains details about the error. | |
The execution of the command succeeded in the replica server. |