To uninstall the connector, run these scripts an administrator:
To uninstall the connector on Windows, run the following
Uninstall<CCFScenarioName>Service.bat scripts:
- For the TeamForge Tracker-to-ScrumWorks Pro direction, run UninstallTF2SWPService.bat from <CCF_HOME>\production\TFSWP\TF2SWP.
- For the ScrumWorks Pro-to-TeamForge Tracker direction, run UninstallSWP2TFService.bat from <CCF_HOME>\production\TFSWP\SWP2TF.
- For the connector in general, run UninstallCentralCCFDatabaseService.bat from <CCF_HOME>\production\centralCCFDatabase.
Note: In Windows Vista and Windows 7, you must run these uninstallers as an administrator.
To uninstall the connector on Linux, simply delete the <CCF_HOME> directory.