What are artifact conflicts and how are they handled?

When you run the connector, a conflict typically occurs when a target artifact is changed by a user after the last update by the connector.

Consider a situation where a new ScrumWorks Pro PBI is added and the connector creates a corresponding artifact in TeamForge. After the latest synchronization, let's say the PBI’s themes were changed in TeamForge, while simultaneously being changed in ScrumWorks Pro. This causes a conflict.

Before updating the TeamForge artifact, the connector detects the conflict and resolves it based on the conflict resolution priority specified in the project mapping (in this case, the SWP->TF PBI mapping).

Conflict resolution priority options include:

It is highly recommended that you start with "overwrite target artifact" policy in both directions before you test any other settings since conflicting changes are often triggered unexpectedly (for example, if the estimated hours of a PBI in TeamForge got automatically updated because they changed in a child task).