To be able to start synchronizing artifacts, start the services for your connector scenario.
Each example scenario provided with your CCF installation contains the following files:
- Install<CCFScenarioName>Service.bat - installs the service
- Uninstall<CCFScenarioName>Service.bat - uninstalls the service
- <CCFScenarioName>.bat -starts the scenario with the specified configuration, but does not install it as a service
- <CCFScenarioName>.conf - configures the service wrapper and is read by all batch files
- In Windows:
To install the service, run the Install<CCFScenarioName>Service.bat script for your connector scenario.
- For the TeamForge Tracker-to-ScrumWorks Pro direction, run InstallTF2SWPService.bat from <CCF_HOME>\production\TFSWP\TF2SWP. A service called TF2SWPService is created.
- For the ScrumWorks Pro-to-TeamForge Tracker direction, run InstallSWP2TFService.bat from <CCF_HOME>\production\TFSWP\ SWP2TF. A service called SWP2TFService is created.
Note: In Windows Vista and Windows 7, the services installers must be run as an administrator.
- Start the service.
For the example scenario, run the SWP2TF and TF2SWP services from the Windows screen.
In Linux, the startup scripts are called and If you'd like to install those as a service, make sure you call them from your init/runlevel scripts.
CollabNet Connector Framework 1.5.0 provides these Linux daemon wrapper scripts for the integration:,, and
The Linux service scripts have been successfully tested with RHEL 5.3 on a machine where ScrumWorks Pro and TeamForge have been installed as services as well. If you have a different configuration, you might have to tweak the service dependencies and run level configuration. By default, the integration waits 3 minutes before it starts up, to give TeamForge and ScrumWorks Pro enough time to start their web services. If this delay is not sufficient, you can adjust it in the service wrapper configuration files.