Added features

CollabNet Connector Framework 1.4.2 adds these new features.

Artifact ID Description
ccf365 The Reason field in Project Tracker is mappable.
ccf366 LAST_MODIFIED_USER has been added as a mappable field (read-only) for the last modified user in Quality Center defects and requirements.
ccf367 To preserve formatting, Quality Center HTML fields are not updated if they have not been modified.
ccf368 There is an option to ignore locked records in Quality Center and update a defect or requirement even if locked. This minimizes problems that occur when users don't release locks on Quality Center records.
ccf377 It is possible to retrieve and set non-scalar values in Quality Center defects. For example, BG_DETECTED_IN_REL, BG_DETECTED_IN_RCYC, BG_TARGET_REL, BG_TARGET_RCYC.
ccf389 Resync handling has been improved by having CCF readers query artifacts last modified by the connector user. If their artifact creation time is later than the last artifact synchronization timestamp of the corresponding project mapping, they will be shipped with artifact action set to "resync".
ccf397 You can obfuscate passwords stored in the CCF .properties files by setting a preference in the CCF GUI or by using a command line tool.