Why is data not synchronizing between TeamForge and ScrumWorks Pro?

There are many possible reasons why data is not synchronized. Below is a list of possibilities:

The connector expects certain tracker field settings for PBIs and Tasks. Manipulating the tracker field settings could invalidate the synchronization. You can reset the tracker field settings from the GUI, by selecting the 'Fix TeamForge trackers...' option from the project or mapping type's context menu.
Not all PBI and Task fields are synchronized from TeamForge to ScrumWorks Pro.
The connector does not synchronize deletions from TeamForge to ScrumWorks. If you delete a Task in TeamForge, all attempts by the connector to update the deleted Task will go to the hospital. To fix this, delete the identity mapping for the given Task in the GUI. The next time the Task synchronizes from ScrumWorks Pro to TeamForge, the task will be created in TeamForge.
Some data is reliant on other data to have synchronized. For example, if you create a PBI and Task in ScrumWorks, the Task can not be created in TeamForge until after the PBI has been first created. Resume all project mappings to ensure that nothing hinders the synchronization.
If the CCFUser and/or the CCFResynch user are not Global Administrators in ScrumWorks, artifacts may not be synchronized because these users have insufficient permission to perform some functions. To avoid this, make sure that the CCFUser and CCFResynch user are Global Administrators in ScrumWorks.