Add an attachment

You can attach text information from the clipboard, or files within or outside your Eclipse workspace. You can attach images that you copy or capture into the clipboard.

  1. Open an artifact in the editor.
  2. To attach a file, click Attach in the Attachments section.
    1. In the Add Attachment window, select a source for your attachment, and follow the wizard.
      • To attach text that you've copied to the clipboard, select Clipboard, specify a description and comments and click Finish.
      • To attach a file which is within your Eclipse workspace, select Workspace, locate the file, specify a description, comments and type, and click Finish.
      • To attach a file located anywhere on your desktop, select File, browse to the file, and click Finish.
  3. To capture a screenshot and attach it, click Attach Screenshot in the Attachments section.
    1. In the Add Screenshot window, follow the wizard to capture and edit your screenshot.
    2. Click Finish.
  4. In the editor, click Submit to save your changes.