Report generation

Once you have added a new report, users can configure the parameters and generate reports.

Report configuration

When a user configures a CLI report (see An overview of life cycle metric charts), the configured parameters such as tracker ids, planning folder ids, output type and so on are stored in TeamForge operational database (to be specific: in page_component and page_component_setting tables.

Report generation

Once a report is configured and added to a project's home page, the CLI server runs a daily cron that will:
  • Get the data from database: By executing pkg/<report-name-folder>/script file located at either <cli-reports-installation-folder>/pkg or <cli-reports-installation-folder>/../../cli/custom-reports/pkg folder.
  • Generate the final chart file with HTML/JavaScript content and chart data: By executing types/<chart-type-foloder>/script located at either <cli-reports-installation-folder>/types or <cli-reports-installation-folder>/../../cli/custom-reports/types folder.
  • The HTML/JavaScript file will then be stored on the TeamForge server's 'filestorage' folder (i.e. in a sub folder of /opt/collabnet/teamforge/var/filestorage).
  • Every time a user hits the project home page, the page component will render the above stored file, which will trigger HighCharts rendering.
  • The daily cron that generates the report can be found at <cli-reports-installation-folder>/../cron/daily/daily_cli_reports.ctf