Customize existing CLI reports

CLI reports allow customizing existing reports. Meaning, you can change chart titles, report configuration parameters and so on.

  1. Copy existing report folder <cli-reports-installation-folder>/pkg/<existing-report-folder> to <workspace-folder>/branding/cli/custom-reports/pkg/ folder.
  2. Modify any of the files in <workspace-folder>/branding/cli/custom-reports/pkg/.
  3. Commit the folder to the repository-internal.
    • cd <workspace-folder>/branding/cli/custom-reports/pkg/
    • svn add <existing-report-folder>
    • svn ci . -m “customizing existing report”
If the commit was successful, your changes should reflect in CLI reports. For example, the Add New Component > Lifecycle Metrics page should reflect the changes you made in config.ini.