Configure a Crucible add-on

Configure the "TeamForge Orchestrate Adapter" add-on to notify TeamForge Orchestrate about review changes.

Before you start configuration, make sure that you have installed the Crucible add-on: verify that TeamForge Orchestrate Adapter is present in the User-installed Add-ons list.
  1. As a privileged Orchestrate user, edit (or add) the relevant Review source you wish to associate with this Crucible project.

    Pipelines > Edit (desired Pipeline) > Select a Review Step > Edit the Source

  2. On the Edit Source screen, locate the section titled "Adapter Configuration Information" and copy all values; these values are used later in the configuration process.
  3. As a privileged Crucible user, navigate to Administration > Manage Add-ons
  4. Click TeamForge Orchestrate Adapter in the User-installed Add-ons list. The TeamForge Orchestrate Adapter section displays new options, including "Configure".
  5. Click Configure. You see a configuration form for each of your projects.
  6. Find the project to associate with TeamForge Orchestrate and populate the following information.
    1. Populate the Server URL field. Copy and paste the Queue Server value from the Edit Source screen in TeamForge Orchestrate. Please ensure to include the "ampq" protocol and the port information.
    2. Populate the Server Username and Server Password fields. Copy and paste the queue username and password value from the Edit Source screen in TeamForge Orchestrate.
    3. Populate the Source Association Key field. Copy and paste the source association key value from the Edit Source screen in TeamForge Orchestrate. For more on association keys, see Source association keys.
  7. Click Save. Crucible now reports code review events for the configured project to TeamForge Orchestrate.