Add review sources to bring code reviews into the TeamForge project
and traceability context.
Review sources bring code review data into Orchestrate for archival of meta data,
participation in traceability, and activity reporting. This document describes the process
to add a new review source.
From the activity stream, click Manage Sources.
Select the Review toggle.
TeamForge Orchestrate displays all existing "review" sources.
You can choose to edit an existing source, or create a new review source.
To edit an existing review source, click Edit. You can edit the
display name or commit association prefix for this source.
Note: While editing an existing source
configuration, you can click DEACTIVATE to stop TeamForge
Orchestrate from collecting data from that source; click
ACTIVATE to resume data collection from the source.
To add a new source, click Add a new source.
Provide a display name for the review source that is depicted on all screens in the
TeamForge Orchestrate user interface. The display name can be up to 100
alphanumeric characters in length.
Enter the Commit Association Prefix.
This prefix is used to associate code commits with code reviews using
the commit message. To associate a review with a code commit, you
must enter the association prefix and review ID in the commit
message in this format:
where key is any alphanumeric string. A commit association key may
be up to 20 characters, including alphanumeric and underscore("_")
For most source types, TeamForge Orchestrate generates a unique
"source association key". The source association key uniquely identifies and
helps route data from sources
in TeamForge Orchestrate. You must supply this string while configuring
adapters for most source types. You can copy the key by clicking on the
small clipboard icon. No association key is necessary when you configure a
TeamForge project code repository, though.
Click Done.
TeamForge Orchestrate saves the new review source, and activates it.