Add, modify, and delete pipeline steps

Pipeline steps may be added or altered on the "Manage Pipeline" page.

To add, modify or delete pipeline steps, you must have "Pipeline edit" or "Pipeline create" permissions for the project.

  1. Select your pipeline and click Edit.
    If your pipeline has:
    • No steps — You see the "Manage Pipeline" page where you can add steps to your pipeline.
    • One or more steps — You see the "Manage Sources" page where you can add sources to existing steps. Click the Manage Pipeline breadcrumb link to see the "Manage Pipeline" page where you can edit the pipeline steps.
  2. To add a step, drag and drop a step from the palette to your pipeline step-list — choose from Commit, Build, Code Review, Work Item, or Custom.
    Note: Adding steps may result in the renumbering of existing steps.
  3. To enter the name of a step, or to rename a step, click on the step's name. You may enter a name up to 100 characters in length; double-byte UTF-8 characters are supported.
    To save, click outside the "edit" area. To revert an edit, click the Cancel button next to the label that you are editing.
    Note: The step Cancel button only appears when the name field is in focus.

    TeamForge Orchestrate requires that every step be named: the step name will revert to its previous value if saved as an empty field.

  4. To reorder your pipeline steps, drag and drop step widgets to the desired new order.
  5. To delete a step, drag and drop the step widget onto the Delete a Step area.
    Deleting a step deactivates all sources that belong to that step. While historic activities are preserved, any associated sources will be removed and therefore will no longer collect new data.
    Note: Deleting steps may result in the renumbering of existing steps.
  6. Click Save and Add Sources to save all modifications to the steps, including any changes to the "pipeline friendly name".
    Note: Your changes are not saved until you click Save and Add Sources.

    To revert all changes, click Cancel.